We help creators share and monetize their content and protect their rights.

Today's internet restricts your opportunities to get financial compensation from your passion. VEO World allows you to share your digital content and receive stable income from your creation.

VEO stands for Value Each Other. We value your rights and creation. And you should too.

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What we do

We bring VEO World to the global creator community

VEO Global Markets handles the commercial side of VEO World. We aim to make VEO World accessible and empowering for all creators worldwide, be it artists, photographers, influencers, organizations, or any other type of creator.

Our services


We provide information about a new world for creators through our own sales team, ambassadors and partners. A new world designed to endure.


Our mission is to educate the market on how to capture the mutual potential. A collaboration for stable income and protection of digital rights.


We have dedicated resources to address member enquiries and gather feedback. A Developers Community drive change based on your feedback.


We are happy to connect and assist you regarding how to turn your passion into income. We also assist on integrations with large databases.

We believe all creators should be compensated from the first follower and first view, and have their rights protected. Simply, as content sharing on the Internet should be.

VEO World - We value creators and followers

VEO World is a subscription-based social media platform where members can monetize their content and support creators they love. 90% of the revenue goes back to creators and members.

What people say about VEO

"I believe quality content need a platform that allows creativity and freedom to share our wholesome content, VEO does that."

Chris Franklin

Chris the Chatty Farmer

"It [VEO] is a win-win-win for everybody and gives us as a Rhino conservation foundation the possibility to make an income on what we create"

Sharon Jessop

Serial entrepreneur & wildlife warrior

"VEO is a new and very hungry business opportunity, both for me as a business man and podcaster."

Timothy Morrison

Podcaster & Entrepreneur

"I´m excited about the doors VEO opens for content creators and I know a lot of people who creates content that can change peoples lives."

Elaine Sugar

Wellness Coach


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Newsletter #1

Det är med både glädje och entusiasm vi delar med oss av de senaste framstegen och några spännande nyheter från VEO-projektet. Tack vare ett hårt arbete och engagemang är VEO på väg att skapa något som kommer göra verklig skillnad på marknaden.
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