About us

VEO Global Markets is dedicated to marketing and selling VEO World globally. We bring VEO World to the creators of the world.

Our Team

Our team consists of experienced people from an array of fields.

Management and board

Tomas Scherp
25 years of experience in business development, sales, and marketing, both in the Nordics and internationally, of which 10 years as CEO in the financial services industry.
Per Gunnarsson
HR Manager
30 years of experience in HR, entrepreneurship and business development, in both manufacturing and service industries, from management teams as employee and his own consultancy firm.
Stefan Heintz
Head of Sales & Growth
25 years of experience in international sales, mostly tech and SaaS solutions, innovative sales models and partnerships.
Peo Axelsson
Marketing Advisor
Founder and CEO of the Sweden’s largest business network for sales and marketing managers, with 25 years of experience as marketing and brand manager in both manufacturing and services industries.
Björn Petersson
30 years of experience as CFO and finance manager in the tech, life science and finance industries.
Henrik Sundin
Board Director
25 years of experience in the financial industry, including several CEO positions and board directorships. Today, he is CEO of Finserve Nordic AB, that offers services to the asset management industry.
Magnus Wålsten
Board Director
Founder and former CEO of the award-winning marketing agency »Great Works«. Nowadays, Magnus works as Innovation PT, brand strategist and board director.


Johan Eriksson
Musician, Songwriter, Festival organiser.
Håkan Waxegård
Festival and concert organiser, founder of Hultsfredsfestivalen and Lollipop as well. Former record label director.
Karl-Fredrik Johannesson
Investment Manager with board experience, and former M&A associate and accountant.
Kevin Mackenzie
Creative Marketing Strategist and Author.
Lotte Hoflund
Strategic Director, and founder of the marketing agency ID Kommunikation.
Martin Lindeskog
New Media Advisor, Podcaster, Content creator
Pelle Hövde
Technical Director Broadcast, former head of sports production and content creation consultant.
Per Walander
Strategic Partnerships Manager -software and channel sales, former sales director.
Pia-Karin Åkesson
Marketing Agency Business Manager, previously marketing and sales director.
Pär Warg Wiklundh
Entrepreneur and tech CEO,and former sales and marketing director.
Stefan Molander
Business Network Country Director and Partner, focussed on entrepreneur sales training and business development.
Willem Fock
CEO of marketing software developer and marketing agency owner.

VEO Global Markets

We embrace social entrepreneurship to make a difference while doing business. It means we address societal challenges head-on through innovation, drive meaningful change and leave a lasting positive impact. 90% of revenue goes to creators and members.

Join us in creating positive change with your engagement.

Our Story

Our story begins with a private research project and a patent for safe micro transactions. The mission of the research project was to help people make a living on their passion, competence, experiences, and knowledge as of digital creators.

The result was VEO World, an innovative solution for content distribution and digital rights management. A mix between a social platform, a streaming service, and a global collective society.

Our motto has always been: If you see a problem that is important, you have an obligation to do something about it.

VEO stand for Value Each Other. We care for you, and so should you.


To create a better world for current and future generations of content owners, with the best of humanity 
 as a ground for development.


To every day create value and income for content creators and its supporters.


To be the global standard for all content creators and its partners.

Interested in joining us?

VEO Global Markets is under formation and we're always looking for talented people. You can be inspired and work for a good cause as a team member.

Currently, we have no open positions, but we are always interested in building relationships with like-minded people.